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    来源:网友投稿 发布时间:2022-07-23 18:18:02




     快 Come on. Shepherd 先生

     -什么事? Mr Shepherd.

     -yes. 我们什么时候能领工资?

     -该领时自然会领 When are we to be paid?

     -In due course. 你还没偿付这些票♥据♥! The bills are outstanding! 我知道我还没付钱 I"m aware they"re outstanding. Shepherd 先生 这些账单日积月累 Mr Shepherd, these bills go back for months and months. 看!

     二月 三月 四月... Look! February, March, April... 先生们 战争结束了 Gentlemen, the war is over. 拿破仑·波拿巴呢? Bonaparte? 拿破仑·波拿巴已经退位了 Bonaparte has abdicated. 他被囚禁在厄尔巴岛 He is confined to the island of Elba. 我们要回家了 We"re going home. 先生们 敬将军 Gentlemen, the Admiral. 敬将军 The Admiral. 我不会让一个海军待在我的房♥子里 I will not have a sailor in my house. 我很是反感海军 I strongly object to the Navy. 它给出生卑微的人带来与地位不相称的荣誉 It brings persons of obscure birth into undue distinction. 它还可怕地消磨了一个男人的青春和活力 And it cuts up a man"s youth and vigour most horribly. 去年春天在镇上

     One day last spring, in town, 我和一个叫 Baldwin 的海军上将一起 I was in company with a certain Admiral Baldwin, 你可以想象他长得有多凄惨

     the most deplorable-looking person you can imagine. 红褐色的脸上皱纹从横交错 His face like mahogany, all lines and wrinkles, 仅剩的九根白发像在头顶上涂了粉一样 nine grey hairs and only a dab of powder on top. 我对一旁的 Basil 爵士说 看在上帝的份上 "In heaven"s name," said I to Sir Basil, who was near, 那个老家伙是谁? "Who is that old fellow?" 老家伙?! Basil 爵士带着哭腔反问道 "Old fellow?!" cried Sir Basil, 什么 这是 Baldwin 将军 顶多不过四十岁 "Why, that is Admiral Baldwin, who is forty and no more." 他们都是一类人 And they"re all the same. 对他们仁慈点吧 Walter 爵士 Have mercy on the men, Sir Walter. 不是所有人生来就长得英俊的 We were not all born to be handsome. 你不想让一个海军当你的房♥客? you will not have a naval man as a tenant? 是的 我不愿意 Shepherd 绝不 No, I will not, Shepherd. No. 那就只有一个解决方法了 Then there is but one course open to you. 你必须节省开支

     -节省开支? you must retrench.

     -Retrench? 节省开支! Retrench! 我要怎么来节省开支呢? How may I retrench? 男爵就必须有男爵的派头 A baronet must be seen to live like a baronet. Walter 爵士 我做了你这么多年的邻居 Sir Walter, I have been your neighbour for a good many years 我和其他人一样都很关心你家的情况 and am as solicitous for your family as anybody could be. 但是你的负债 But your debts 金额太巨大了 are extreme.

     你必须节省开支 you must retrench. 所以我擅自做主 I have therefore taken the liberty 为你的家庭拟订了一些财务开支上的计划 of drawing up some plans of economy for your family. 对此我进行了 额 I have, er... 精确地计算 made exact calculations 并且在一些细节问题上我也征询了 Anne 的意见 and I have consulted Anne on some points of detail. 为什么问 Anne? Anne, why? 什么? What? 没有旅行 没有仆人...! Journeys, servants...! 我宁愿马上离开 Kellynch 庄园 I"d as soon quit Kellynch Hall at once 也不愿过这样不体面的生活! than remain on it on such disgraceful terms! 巴斯离 Kellynch 只不过 50 英里 Bath is but 50 mile from Kellynch. 并且 我觉得 巴斯完全是个更安全的地方 And, if I may say, an altogether safer location 对于像你这样处于困境的绅士来说 for a gentleman in your predicament. 在巴斯很重要的一点是开销能相对减少很多 In Bath you may be important at comparatively little expense. 九月的果汁冰糕... Sorbet in September... 多么美味啊! how delightful! 尽情享用吧 Enjoy it, 到冬天以前都不会有这么多冰块了 there"ll be no more ice until the winter. 巴斯很适宜居住 Bath is most congenial. 它有辉煌的礼堂并且每周都会举办音乐会

     The Assembly Rooms are splendid and have concerts every week. 我认为去... I am for... 巴斯的确不错 for Bath. 我一直都说 巴斯是无可比拟的 I have always said, Bath is incomparable. 这个 Croft 将军是谁? Who is this Admiral Croft? 我在陶顿市的地方法♥院♥遇到他 I met with him at the quarter sessions in Taunton. 他是萨默塞特郡人 He"s a native of Somersetshire 战时攒了不少钱 想回这儿定居 who acquired a fortune in the war and wishes to return here. 还有呢? But who is he? 他是白种人 海军上将 He is rear admiral of the white. 他参加了那次特拉法尔加行动 He was in the Trafalgar action 从那以后就一直待在东印度群岛 and has been in the East Indies since. 我想 他应该在那驻扎了几年 Stationed there, I believe, several years. 所以 他脸的颜色质感就和这个马卡龙一样咯 Then, his face has the colour and texture of this macaroon. 这位上将的确饱经了一些风霜 但也没那么夸张 The Admiral is weather-beaten, but not much. 他结婚了 但没有孩子 He is a married man, but without children. 他们住进来后 Croft 太太可以照看♥房♥♥子 A house is never taken care of without a lady. 还不会有孩子捣乱 And a lady with no children 没有比这更能保护家具的了 is the best preserver of furniture in the world. 另外 Croft 夫人她自己 Moreover, Mrs Croft is herself 在这里还有亲戚 not unconnected in this country.

     哦? 她亲戚是谁? Oh? With whom is she connected? 她有一个绅士兄弟住在这儿 She"s the sister of a gentleman who lived here. Croft 夫人的弟弟叫什么? Monkton? What was his name? Monkton? Brother of Mrs Croft. 他叫什么来着? Anne 你记得吗? Bless me, what was his name? Anne, you"ll recall?. 他叫 Wentworth It was Wentworth. Wentworth. 叫 Wentworth 吗?

     -对! Wentworth Wentworth?

     -That"s right! Wentworth. Monkford 的助理牧师 我确定你应该知道的

     The curate of Monkford. you"ll remember him, I"m sure. 哦 那个助理牧师 Wentworth Oh, Wentworth the curate. Shepherd 你还说是绅士 害我误会了

     you misled me, Shepherd, by the term gentleman. h 不过是个无名小卒 Wentworth the curate is nobody, 无关紧要! 和 Strafford 家族一点关系都没有! quite unconnected! Nothing to do with the Strafford family! 难道我说的有什么不对吗? Said I something amiss? 你忘了吗 父亲... 那个助理牧师的弟弟 you remember, Father... the curate"s brother. 那个水手!

     -我们不要再纠缠这个了 The sailor!

     -Let us not pursue it. 请原谅 火炉有点... please excuse me. The fire... 烤的我有点热 仅此而已 I became over-heated, that"s all. 我很满意 我授权你去跟进招待他们的这件事 I am satisfied. I empower you to proceed with the treaty. 他们一到米迦勒节就可以住进来 They may take possession at Michaelmas. 还有 Shepherd 如果你同意的话 And Shepherd, with your consent, 我想请亲爱的 Clay 夫人

     I wish to engage dear Mrs Clay 和我们一起去巴斯 to reside with us in Bath. 她可以陪伴 Elizabeth She will be a companion for Elizabeth. 我想不出其他更好的优待给我女儿了 先生 I can think of no higher privilege for my daughter, sir, 都不如陪伴 Elliot 小姐 than to accompany Miss Elliot in society. Anne 怎么办呢? 有 Anne 陪你还不够吗? What about Anne? Is Anne not companion enough for you? 哦 Anne 不会来的 Russell 夫人 Oh, Anne won"t be coming, Lady Russell. 今天早上收到一封我妹妹 Mary 寄来的信 她身体不舒服

      I had a letter this morning from sister Mary who"s indisposed 需要 Anne 去厄泼克劳斯照顾她 and requires Anne"s company in Uppercross... 直到她身体恢复 until her health improves. 既然在巴斯没人需要你 And since no one will want you in Bath, 我觉得你最好还是待在这儿吧 I"m sure you"d better stay here. 信息和娱乐 Information and entertainment 都在这些架子上给你准备好了 将军 awaits you on these shelves, Admiral. 我承认自己并没有很精通这些 I confess, I have not fully mastered it myself. 除了最舒适的房♥间 Walter 爵士 Only the most comfortable room, Sir . 然后我们来到的是餐厅 将军 And thus we proceed to the dining room, Admiral. Croft 夫人 您可以随意使用这些二等的银质餐具 The second best silver will be at your disposal, Mrs Croft. Anne 吩咐仆人们有礼貌地服侍 Croft 上将 Instruct the servants to be civil to Admiral Croft, Anne. 我承认 他是我见过的长得最好的海员 I declare, he"s the best-looking sailor I ever met. 事实上 如果我的仆人 Indeed, if my own man

     能够帮他整整发型 might be allowed the arranging of his hair, 我就不会因为和他在一起而感到羞愧了 I should not be ashamed of being seen with him anywhere. 我们接下来要去给你买♥♥一顶帽子 ..and then we"re going to buy you a hat. 然后我们要去买♥♥许多盒杏仁蛋白软糖 Then we are going to buy boxes and boxes of marzipan. 我没有时间交代园丁们了 I haven"t spoken to the gardeners. 这是给 Russell 夫人的植物清单 So here is the list of plants for Lady Russell. 这些音乐方书籍一定要送到巴斯 And these books of music must be sent on to Bath. 还有你最好给这些画分门别类 And you"d better catalogue all the pictures 把你放在贮藏室的垃圾清理干净 and clear your rubbish out of the store room. 还应该有人去拜访教区内的每家每户 And someone ought to visit every house in the parish 与他们告别 as a take leave. 这是 Elliot 家族的一贯风格 It"s the Elliot way. 要是我有儿子多好 If only I"d had a son. 这一切早晚都是他的 All this might one day have been his. 尽你所能照顾 Mary 吧 Be what use you can to your sister Mary. 是的 父亲 yes, Father. 我在圣诞节之后一定接你去巴斯 I really must fetch you up to Bath after Christmas. 出发 Walk on. 这 8 年来 For eight years 你一直很少出门 我也很少看见你 you"ve been too little from home, too little seen. 你的情绪一直都很低落 自从...

     And your spirits have never been high since... 你取消了婚约 your disappointment. 拓展社交圈对你的情绪会有帮助 A larger society would improve them. 但是我这么讨厌巴斯 But I so dislike Bath. 因为你把它和你母亲的去世联♥系♥在了一起 Because you associate it with the passing of your dear mother. 当我们母亲还健在的时候 Russell 夫人 When my mother was alive,Lady Russell, 家里需求适度 花销节省 there was moderation and economy in our home. 更不会弄到搬出去的地步 And no need of moving out. 恩 Hmm. 你马上就要去厄泼克劳斯吗? Do you travel directly to Uppercross? 是的 yes. 是的 我宁愿离开这儿等他姐姐... yes, I prefer to be gone when his sis... 等将军和他夫人到的时候 When Admiral and Mrs Croft arrive. 我希望他们对此事一无所知 I hope that they are as little familiar with the business 就像我家里人表面上看起来那样 as my own people seem to be. 我并不想见到 Kellynch 庄园的新房♥客 I have no desire to meet the new tenants of Kellynch Hall. 我很能体会这次分手对你家庭造成的影响 I feel this break-up of your family exceedingly. 事实上 我很愤懑 Indeed, it angers me. 我尽了我全力来 I have done my best to... 站在你母亲的位置上 stand in your mother"s place 给出了你母亲会给的建议 and offer the advice she would have given.

     但是现在. And now... Russell 夫人 Lady Russell, 我...

    推荐访问:劝导 剧本 中英文对照
